No Cape Required: A Book Review
There are so many times when I'm reading a main-stream book and I see the power of God in them, even though the author didn't mean to write it in. Of course this happens often with movies too! I've decided it's because the Creator designed us with His truth ingrained in our hearts, and when we, as people, try to express our feelings in creating, that Truth finds it's way into our creation.
Personal Likes:
Personal Dislikes:
Reasons to Read:
Reading List Rating:
I had to give this my highest rating because I really loved it. And my husband was intrigued by it, we don't always see eye-to-eye on devotionals. Plus it was very well written and edited, and we all know that is a pet-peeve of mine.
My Suggested Audience:
*I recieved a free copy of this book from Book Look in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.
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