Children's Corner: Sneaking in New Stories
As winter drags on even our daily activities have lost their draw. My boys simply want to play outside, but the cold air is preventing it. As a result, we've read so many books, I've lost track. Granted many of the books we read are from the local library, which helps keeps stories fresh, but still it's getting a little old.
The main issue, for me, is reading the same stories, over and over. My adult brain just isn't into reading the same kid books more than fifteen times in a week! So I have had to get a little creative in getting different stories into our reading times. And luckily, the school my oldest attends just added a little project that is helping me tremendously!
My son's preschool just started a spring reading program, where parents are encouraged to write down the title of the books they are reading to their kids and send in these forms as they are filled out. The teacher has set some group goals, and rewards to motivate the kids.
I'm using this opportunity to read four books a day with my kids - and one of them I pick out each day! That means that there will be at least one fresh story every day. For me that is huge!
Don't get me wrong, I love kid books, but have you tried to read Wall-E out loud more than once in a day? Let me just say that you might not have a voice afterwards...
This week, I'm hoping to sneak in the following: The Mitten; Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day; The Velveteen Rabbit; The Stinky Cheese Man.
I'm guessing some of you might be wondering how my kids will sit through some of these longer stories... as my youngest is only two. And all I can say about that is that we've been reading together every day, and their attention spans grow. You'd be surprised at how long kids will sit to listen to a story!
And this is the perfect time to start reading out loud to your kids. I'm sure many of you knew yesterday was Read Across America Day, because it coincides with Dr. Seuss's Birthday celebration. And this year there are celebrations all week! And tomorrow is International Read Aloud Day. I hope you can find the time to celebrate these great days with your kiddos and snuggle up to read some great books. Maybe even you could start a new tradition?
Do you read aloud to your kids every day? Do you get bored of the same stories over and over? What books do your kids seem to want to hear daily, or hourly! I'd love to hear from you.
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Linking up with these fun hops:

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