Taking part in a story...
All the way through school there were many assignments that teachers gave that I dreaded - any thing that involved standing up and speaking in front of the class was torture (to stand in front of the whole school for some things was unthinkable!). There was always one assignment though that I loved - I looked forward to it. The free writing assignments. You know the ones where you got to write anything you wanted. You could make up a story, characters, setting - the whole thing was in your control.
I realize not everyone loved that assignment.
For some, the moment the art supplies came out was pure freedom - the ability to create thrilled some (not me... but I know those who loved them).
Why do we, as people, have such desire to create? Why?
Some design buildings. Others design the rooms in those buildings. Still others create beautifully tasty meals. The list of what people create, what they desire to create, is endless really.
But the question has to follow, why do we want to write the story in some form for others? Because isn't that what we do when we create? We put together some kind of story, some simple, some elaborate, so another person can enjoy it - right?
Have you had people ask you why you write? Can you answer?
Have you asked others why they create what they create? What did they tell you?
Have you pondered why these questions even come into our minds? The why questions that drive us to create beauty?
Can I just throw out a thought for you today?
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17And if that is true, then there, that moment those questions come to your mind - there you are experiencing your Maker - the prodding of his Spirit. Or when your kids ask those why questions, find answers with them, as they learn to listen for the "why" prodding that will often be the voice of their King calling to them - calling to them to join in creating His beautiful story.
I am so glad to be joining the lovely ladies from Five Minute Fridays. And thank you Lisa-Jo for the great prompt today! To all our stories, the ones we can write in five minutes and the ones we work on all our lives. Join the fun over here!
Linking up with these great hops:

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