Read & Gush is Growing...
(yes I know I'm not supposed to write in all caps... that it's shouting... but I'm a passionate person and all caps to me shows my excitement... so please read that as excited)
Read & Gush has been quiet on here... mostly because 2020 has been a bit much... However, the photo challenge is still going strong over on Instagram...
In fact, it's been so popular that we have added another cohost, Jessica - so please give her some extra love over on Instagram.
But maybe I should back up, in case you are new...
But maybe I should back up, in case you are new...
What are we?
We are a monthly photo challenge to help you stay motivated and consistent on Instagram. We provide daily prompts to guide your photos and your captions so you never get bored or stagnant in your posts.
We are a community of book lovers who simply want to find our tribe. The place where other book lovers can get together and gush over all things books any time of the day.
Before the month starts...
Or even, follow the co-hosts!
Marissa: marissa_writes
We are a monthly photo challenge to help you stay motivated and consistent on Instagram. We provide daily prompts to guide your photos and your captions so you never get bored or stagnant in your posts.
We are a community of book lovers who simply want to find our tribe. The place where other book lovers can get together and gush over all things books any time of the day.
Before the month starts...
Share the challenge image in your stories, with the hashtag, maybe even tag all the co-hosts so we can shower some love on you.
We have an official Instagram page, so you can see everyone's interpretations of the prompts and engage with each other. This is the best way to see your numbers grow on Instagram. Follow along here: Read & Gush
We have an official Instagram page, so you can see everyone's interpretations of the prompts and engage with each other. This is the best way to see your numbers grow on Instagram. Follow along here: Read & Gush
Or even, follow the co-hosts!
Marissa: marissa_writes
Jessica: Jessicalauriebooks
Then be sure to follow the monthly hashtag so you know which bookstagrammers to engage with. This month we will be using #readgushjun20 But you can always follow #readandgush for updates in general.
And if you have any questions leave them here, or jump over to my Instagram and ask me there.
Then be sure to follow the monthly hashtag so you know which bookstagrammers to engage with. This month we will be using #readgushjun20 But you can always follow #readandgush for updates in general.
And if you have any questions leave them here, or jump over to my Instagram and ask me there.
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June's Book Photo Challenge
1 Summer loving had me a blast: TBR- On this post share at least two books you are hoping to get to in June2 Summer loving happened so fast: Quick reads - Show of a book that was a quick read, for you3 I met a girl crazy for me: Favorite Female characters - Feature any female character you love - as many as you want!4 Met a boy cute as can be: Favorite male characters - Feature any male character you love - as many as you want!5 Summer days drifting away: Favorite summer activity- Let us know about your favorite activity, at least in your caption...6 Tell me more, tell me more; Book/series you want more of - Show off that series in your photo, and then tell us why you love it and need more7 Did you get very far: DNF books- Here's your chance to share about a book you didn't finish - either because life, you got distracted, or you were not a fan... seriously be honest, no judgement!8 Like does he have a car: #MapMonday - It's a hashtag focus day... summer is for road trips right? And what's a road trip with a car???? Anyway, show off a bookish map you love- or tell us about a book that NEEDS a map9 She swam by me she got a cramp: Books set near water- was there a big scene that included water? is water featured on the cover?? be creative!10 He ran by me got my suit damp: #WickWednesday - Show off a candle with your photo today... I'm picture candles with water scents... maybe rain???11 I saved her life she nearly drowned: Favorite fictional heroes- Let's hear about those heroes that you loved reading about!12 He showed off splashing around: Favorite show-offs - We know fiction is full of them, let's hear about your favorites13 Summer sun somethings begun: Colors of the Sun Stack- Sunset, sunset, a midsummer day... find some spines that when put together in a stack remind you of the summer sun...14 Was it love at first sight?: Insta love- You might love it or hate it when two characters' eyes meet and they instantly fall for each other... tell us about one such story - and if you love it or hateit.15 Did she put up a fight?: Book with best fight scenes- It can be a giant battle, it can be a girly smack fight, it can be only words... you decide!
16 Took her bowling in the arcade: Book with a game- any game counts... it can be the plot, it can be in one scene...17 We went strolling drank lemonade: Blue & Yellow - #booksnotbullies -books not bullies is a hashtag in the bookstagram community where take a moment to remember that books help us to see another's perspective and that everyone has their own perspective... so let's strive to be kind, and not bullies...18 We made out under the dock: Favorite kiss- any kiss scene... be it the final scene in the book or just some random scene in the story... we know you have favorites, now's your chance to gush about it with us19 We stayed out till 10 o'clock: Reads worth staying up for- Which was the last book you stayed up late to read? Did you stay up all night???20 Summer fling don't mean a thing: Summer Vibes Stack- which colors just say summer to you???21 But you don't gotta brag: Favorite Fictional Fathers - alright, some fictional fathers are totally brag worthy...22 Cause he sounds like a drag: Anti-Heroes- Tell us about an anti-hero... do you like her/him???23 He got friendly holding my hand: Fictional friendships- friends are important!24 She got friendly down in the sand: Swoon-worthy - it can be a character, it can be a couple, it can be a setting... you decide!25 He was sweet just turned eighteen: Favorite adult book- Admit it, sometimes you need something that is not, for whatever reason, written for a younger audience...26 Well she was good you know what I mean: Girl/Boy Next Door vibes27 Summer heat boy and girl meet: favorite meet cute- Share a book that had a moment when the love interests met each other and it was just too adorable... even if they didn't get together in that scene..28 How much dough did he spend?: Special editions- do you have any special editions? Books that cost you extra? Or maybe a copy that didn't cost more money, but you spent your time waiting in line to have it signed...29 Could she get me a friend?: Haul- Let's see those new books, bookish goodies, and the like that you acquired this month!30 It turned colder that's where it ends: Wrap-up- Tell us about your reading month: how many books did you finish- which was your favorite? what will you rate those books??
Are you new to blogging and social media? Stop over and check out this post where I explain why Instagram is where you need to focus your attention on.
Are you new to Instagram? And the challenge? Make sure you leave a comment below so I can search you out! I love to spread the love for my fellow bookstagrammers!
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Let me know what you thought of this one... don't forget to share your blog link so I can stop by!