Ten Books You Will Want to Keep Your Eye On
New books are published all the time.
I can be a true job trying to keep up with all the newest releases. Of course some books we know about for months before they are released. Publishing companies invest so much money in those select few... but then as a result we miss out on many more books that are quietly released into the world without barely a peep.
And that isn't even taking into consideration all of the Indie and self-published masterpieces finding their way into the reading world... so for today's TTT, I struggled with ten books to feature... I had so many I could have added, but didn't want to overload you all.
So I am very grateful to That Artsy Reader for this prompt, because I fully intend to jump around to a ton of other book bloggers and add to my list- you should too!
Ten Books You Need to Look For in the Next Few Months
- A Heart so Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer - technically, as you read this, this book should be making its appearance on bookshelves... and if you read A Curse so Dark and Lonely you already know this... But in case you didn't know, ACSDAL was my favorite read of 2019.
- Ember Queen by Laura Sebastian - this is the third book in the Ash Princess Trilogy, which I have thoroughly enjoyed. I know it's not the most popular series around, it's a bit on the tropey side, but for fans of YA Dystopians, this series is a must-read.
- Of Curses and Kisses by Sandhya Menon - I mean a new series by Miss Menon is a must-read for me! Her books are so entertaining on so many levels. Pure Fun!
- The Upside of Falling by Alex Light - Alright here is one you might not have heard of... Alex Light started writing on Wattpad and I'm so excited that HarperTeen picked this up... so this is one of those books that tends to land on the shelves without must attention by anyone... but I have been told if you were a fan of To All the Boys I Loved Before, you will enjoy this one - so I'm in!
- The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkoski - Here's another one that might not get much attention... but The Winner's Kiss might be one of my all-time favorite YA trilogies, and Miss Rutkoski hasn't published anything since I'm more than ready for a new adventure!
- The Kingdom of Back by Marie Lu - Okay... I don't know too much about this one.... and I'm a hit or miss with Miss Lu... but her writing is fresh and unique and she always has a new perspective in her books, so I'm game!
- Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare - Well... I have mixed feelings putting this one on my list... partly because I can't keep up with the world of books that Miss Clare puts out there... and yet, she captivates me with her range of characters. And I know this is going to show up on many people's lists... It will probably even end up on my bookshelf way before I get around to picking it up... oh well.
- Time of Our Lives by Emily Wibberley - I'm a true sucker for the emotional rollercoaster that is most YA contemporary novels, and this one promises to have it all... So I'm in!
- My Calamity Jane by Cynthia Hand - Alright, so these books are simple and pure entertainment. The writing style is fresh, break-all-the-rules, and make the reader laugh kind of stories. I cannot wait to pick this one up... after some of the serious natures of the other books on this list, it will be a refreshing change of pace.
- The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins - Umm... a prequel to the Hunger Games???? Yep, I'm in, all the way in! I cannot wait for this release... granted my expectations are so high, but I'm confident Miss Collins will live up to them.
And I don't normally do this, but I will put an honorable mention in here for House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J Maas. I was so completely disappointed with the last couple of books SJM released, and am not holding out a ton of hope for this one. But then again I loved a couple of her books so... honorable mention it is.
And as I mentioned a couple of posts back, there are so many books coming out and I cannot afford to buy them all, so most of these will be borrowed from the library first. If I love them, then I'll go back and buy them...
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