Bookstagram 201 - Challenge Yourself this March
How many of you joined us for the Bookstagram 101 challenge in January?
What did you think?
After some chatting with my cohosts, we decided to make March a Bookstagram 201... which means we put in a ton of prompts that are a challenge even for us to stage. So we understand this could be harder, just give it a try. If you aren't sure how to get a prompt staged, ask one of us on Insta, or just make it up. The fun of Instagram is you get to be you inside the community.
This is one of those times the effort totally counts 100%.
We will be using the hashtag #readgushMar19 so set up to follow it now, and you won't miss out on the community activity.
Before the month starts...
Share the challenge image in your stories, with the hashtag, maybe even tag all the co-hosts so we can shower some love on you.
Or even, follow the co-hosts!
Marissa: marissa_writes
Natelle: Tall_Telle_Tells_Tales
Kylie: kylielovesbooks
Irene: Justicereads
And if you have any questions leave them here, or jump over to my Instagram and ask me there.
Natelle: Tall_Telle_Tells_Tales
Kylie: kylielovesbooks
Irene: Justicereads
And if you have any questions leave them here, or jump over to my Instagram and ask me there.
March Book Photo Challenge
- TBR - share the books you hope to get to in March- at least your top two...
- #StackSaturday to show off your favorite bookmark AND it's #readgushPanem kick off live discussion!
- #SockSunday
- #manicMonday - fill up all that space in your photo with extra props
- Mardi Gras - Book & Mask
- Book Stairs - This is a fun way to show off tons of books, and your favorite socks, or shoes!
- Favorite Dystopians - Photo Challenge 1 for #readgushPanem
- #FandomFriday - all right book nerds, show off that favorite fandom, no matter how underrated it might be!
- Extra Tall Tower - Time to challenge yourself, and get creative, if you want some inspiration check out this great shot from the amazing Christine.
- Daylight Savings - Tag Day
- #DayLightSavings tag from @tall_telle_tells_tales
- Fall back - longest book you like
- Spring forward - shortest book you like
- Clock - book series that keeps going...
- Hour hand - book you read in a week
- Minute hand - book you read in a day
- Second hand - book you read in a sitting
- #MapMonday & Sea of Books
- Finish the Cover - get creative... grab any book you want, and finish that cover...
- #booknotbullies for the shy & introverted, use a book to hide a bit, yet show off yourself too... and while you're at it, give a shout out to the other amazing introverts of Booksta
- Love Triangles - #readgushPanem photo challenge
- Pot of Gold - Gold Books or details...
- Four-Leaf Clover - Lucky Characters AND #readgushPanem live discussion of The Hunger Games book 1
- Green, Orange, White And Tag Day
- #luckoftheirishbooktag from @marissa_writes
- Shamrock - Lucky Character
- Leprechaun - Best trickster
- Rainbow - Most vibrant
- Pot of Gold - Richest character
- Irish sayings - Most wise character
- Guinness (beer) - Serious drinker
- Dryad (tree fairy) - Big & tall character
- Seelie (air fairy) - Character that never ages
- #manicureMonday & pretty covers
- Tea for Two - Loose Tea designs
- International Earth Day - Handmade props
- Mental Health in Fiction #readgushPanem photo challenge
- #funkoFriday
- Book Circle
- #subboxSunday - show off a box you have or do subscribe to, or an item you got from a box that you love
- #mugMonday & Double Spiral
- #bookwindow with bokah or magic extras
- Be Inspired try a "hard" photo set up & give credit to the Bookstagrammer who inspired you (if there was one...)
- Surprise Plot Twists - #readgushPanem Photo Challenge
- #FollowFriday give a shout out to new friends you found this month!
- Book & Merch Haul AND #readgushPanem Live discussions on Catching Fire
- Wrap Up
Are you new to blogging and social media? Stop over and check out this post where I explain why Instagram is where you need to focus your attention on.
Are you new to Instagram? And the challenge? Make sure you leave a comment below so I can search you out! I love to spread the love for my fellow bookstagrammers!
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I love comments!!
Let me know what you thought of this one... don't forget to share your blog link so I can stop by!