1776: A guest post
This post is actually written by my husband, and he decided to share a book he thinks would be a great read for any man in your life - in case you are looking for a holiday gift (never too early to get that shopping done!).
I hope you enjoy it!
Photo credit |
By David McCullough
If you grew up in the U.S. you learned about the American
Revolution all throughout school. You
learned names, dates, important moments, and the philosophical arguments behind
why it took place at all. The problem is
that when you focus so much on the recorded history, you lose out on the people
that played significant roles in it.
David McCullough took the year of the Declaration of
Independence, 1776, and turned it into a masterful book exploring both sides of
this historic conflict. McCullough based
this historical fiction on a great deal of research and as such, it stands as a
fantastic standard-bearer for the genre.
The story itself weaves in and around the men surrounding
General George Washington, what brought them together, and why they still
fight. You get a sense of their
God-given purpose, their passion, and their desperation. You see the fear, the valor, and the bravery
of the men that fought on either side of the war. You also will get to see the often untold
part of the American Revolution, where the war was nearly lost except for a
string of fortunate circumstances that led up to the culmination of the
The Prayer at Valley Forge - photo credit |
From cover to cover, the book reads as a continuous night
march just before the Battle of Trenton.
Interspersed throughout are flashbacks that explore the various
characters and incidents that have brought them together to this moment in
time. This style has a natural feel to
it and reads as if it were a story told by a grandfather to his
grandchildren. McCullough adds just
enough scenic detail to paint a great mental picture for all ages.
If your husband or son has a love of history, I cannot
recommend this book more as a way to meet the men that fought for our
Meet the blogger:
Patrick is a husband, father, patriot, and servant of His Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He writes to light sparks of freedom, liberty, truth, and Truth. Follow him at http://freedomsbrushfire.wordpress.com/ or on twitter @Cyclimus.
Patrick is a husband, father, patriot, and servant of His Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He writes to light sparks of freedom, liberty, truth, and Truth. Follow him at http://freedomsbrushfire.wordpress.com/ or on twitter @Cyclimus.
Linked up with: http://blog.jennimullinix.com/good-reasons-for-fall-cleaning/, http://www.oursimplecountrylife.com/, http://passionateandcreativehomemaking.blogspot.com/, http://www.beholdingglory.com/, http://www.nictomsmom.blogspot.com/, http://www.whatjeanlikes.com/, http://lifewithtwinsandadramaqueen.com/, http://christianmommyblogger.com/networking-fellowship-fridays/, Cornerstone Confessions , http://www.servingjoyfully.com/2012/10/10/when-actions-defy-logic-thriving-thursday-link-up/
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