All Things Books
November Collection
"A book, too, can be a star, a living fire to lighten the darkness, leading out into the expanding universe." Madeleine L'Engle
Oh my, where did November go? For that matter, I am still shocked October past us already! We have been blessed with a longer autumn here in NEO, but that is changing as I type this. And a part of me is excited for the snow to come... well just a part of me.
Have you been wondering where I've been? Well... while I'm not ready to talk details... I spent November (and some of October...) writing a novel. It's scary to say. Writing is one of those things that is harder than we give credit for. It takes so much time of appearing to do nothing while the mind and imagination create worlds, characters, and scenes. Here's hoping that by this time next year, you all will be helping me to promote a new book... would you do that?
Even though I've been writing, I've been reading articles all over the internet. And here are some that caught my eye! Check them out, and let me know what you think.
November's Collection
- I'll admit it, I've fallen victim to the monthly subscription boxes... I love to get surprises in the mail, and these are just too fun. Even if they can be a little pricey... Check out Popsugar's quick overview of some of the Subscription boxes other there
- Are you a parent? A grandparent? Aunt or uncle? Check out this great list of 50 Books Every Kid Should Read by 12... Maybe your personal favorite from childhood made the list.
- If you haven't guessed, I personally love YA books... they are quick reads, and full of great characters... usually... but they can also be overrun with romance. I love this list of 100 Must-Read YA Books with Little or No Romance - perfect for readers just reaching the YA stage of reading.
- Can you believe 2016 is almost over? There were a ton of great books released this year... here's a list of a few you might have missed, but should consider reading in 2017... 15 Breakthrough Books of 2016 - did you read any of them?
- Since I spent the month writing, of course, I was looking for inspiration... Did you know Dr. Seuss almost gave up trying to get his books published??? Can you imagine the world without his books?? Here's the story
- Did you notice I hosted my first hand-lettering challenge on Instagram last month? It was Gilmore Girls themed, and what bibliophile doesn't love Rory Gilmore? Have you seen this list of Books mentioned on the original show?
- Legos have opened up the world of building and architecture to my boys, so when I saw this list of Children's Books for Little Architects I had to share it!
- As my boys get older, it gets harder to find books they enjoy, and I want them to read. Here's a wonderful resource I used for my oldest (this is a 3rd-grade reading level)
I hope you found a thing or two from that list that caught your eye, maybe you could reserve a book at your library, or add to your Goodreads to-read list. There are also a few great articles to remind you just how great reading is! A new year is right around the corner, and that means new challenges for reading goals! I would love to encourage you as you make your goals for the year, please join our group on Goodreads, we'd love to be there as you fall in love with books.
A book too can be a star a living fire to lighten the darkness leading out into the expanding universe #MadeleineLEngle #AllThingsBooks @Reading_List1
What was your favorite from the round-up? What would you add? Is there something you want to see in December's round-up?
Leave me a note about anything to do with your book choices from November!
**If you have a great resource for a book, a genre, or anything to do with books, let me know! You are always welcome to share your posts on Thursdays here, but if you want to point me to a great resource, you will find me on Facebook and Instagram every day - I love hearing from you!
Check out these great blogs where I'm sharing this!
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