Children's Corner: Valentine Books
Valentine's day is a day that can easily be made into a huge holiday, or competly missed. And to be honest, I'm not sure it needs to be a big deal. However, it is a chance to focus in on loving those around us, a practice that many of us tend to forget as life gets busy, especially with kids around.
Sure we love our kids, but are we showing them? Do they know, really know that we truly love them?
It seems that with such a great wealth of books out there on how to love each other that are specifically written for little ears, Valentine's Day is the perfect time to get out some books that remind us how much we love our littles.
With that in mind, find your favorite book and take a few moments this week to cuddle close to your little ones and share a story you love. If you need a suggestion, here are some great books that fit in perfectly with Valentine's Day.
Valentine Book List for Little Ears
- I Love You Through and Through by Bernadette Rossetti Shustak
- Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney
- Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Minnie's Valentine
- Where is Baby's Valentine by Karen Katz
- Love You Forever by Robert Munsch
- The Valentine Bears by Eve Bunting
- The Love That Is True: The Adventure of God's Love Through All Time by Paul Chilson
- The Father's Love... and So Much More by Martha A. Anthony and Lucille B. Ruth
- You Are Special by Max Lucado
- It's Time to Sleep, My Love by Nancy Tillman
Want to add any of these books to your home library? Consider clicking on the link below and support Reading List in the process, thanks! (Affiliate Link)
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