Unglued for 60 Days
Last year I discovered Lysa TerKeurst and her ability to share how she can become unglued over life's everyday moments. I was hooked.
It is just so easy to become unglued over the daily stresses and challenges, isn't it? And to read how someone is learning to lean more and more on God instead of giving in to every single unglue-able moment was refreshing.
So when the opportunity came to read Unglued Devotional, well of course I said yes!
This is a sixty day devotional - a great way to spend five minutes of your day when you feel like you are starting to spiral in that ugly downward "unglued" slide.
Each day has a scripture verse, a "thought of the day" and then a short story from Lysa, then it ends in a prayer.
I really enjoy all the thoughts of the day. As they are a great little thing to try to ponder instead of losing it to a breakdown of some sort.
My biggest complaint is that some of the short story portions are word-for-word from Unglued. And I understand the need for similarity between the two. But I was hoping for new bits from Lysa, maybe even more details on the same stories.
However, if you would like to have a little bit of Lysa's encouragement as you work towards imperfect progress in your journey to less unglued moments and more moments of God-given joy, this would be a wonderful addition to your bookshelf.
Here are a couple of my favorite thoughts of the day:
- How we react is a crucial gauge of what's really going on inside us.
- God is big enough to handle our honest feelings.
- Never doubt the power of a simple not. Especially when it contains God's Word that will go forth and will accomplish things human reasoning can't.
Linked up with: http://www.simplyhelpinghim.com/2013/02/06/no-perfect-mom-found-here/, http://proverbs14verse1.blogspot.com/, http://www.mydailywalkinhisgrace.com/, http://www.deeprootsathome.com/, http://www.newequus.com/anyone-really-does-mean-anyone-life-in-the-comments-link-up-10/, http://www.raisingmightyarrows.blogspot.com/, http://blog.jennimullinix.com/thrive-as-a-blog-at-home-mom-thrive-home-link-up/, http://www.oursimplecountrylife.com/, http://www.piecesofamy.net/, http://christianmommyblogger.com/fellowship-fridays-23/, http://www.nictomsmom.blogspot.com/, http://www.missionalwomen.com/31/post/2013/02/meekness-faith-filled-friday.html, http://myfreshlybrewedlife.com/, http://sandraheskaking.com/2013/02/still-saturday-wasting-time/, http://www.yourthrivingfamily.com/2013/02/weekend-whatever-56-linkup.html
** I received a copy of this book from BookSneeze for an honest review of the book. I didn't receive anything else for this book.
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