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By Lysa TerKeurst
This book has so much in it, I could write and write for days. However, I'll try to keep it short.
TerKeurst has a great talent at being able to discuss the ugly side that comes with large amounts of emotion that tend to result in break downs, or moments of becoming "unglued". There are many times where the topics TerKeurst discusses could be insulting to read, and yet I never felt judged or condemned. Like those of us who struggle with falling apart as a result of crazy emotions need to feel judgement from others, right?
This book grabbed me early with this statement, "I'm worn out from trying. Always trying.(62)"
I mean I could have written that. I have wasted too much effort on trying to stay in control of my crazy emotions. And if that wasn't enough these words of encouragement soothed my raw feelings, "Imperfect changes are slow steps of progress wrapped in grace... imperfect progress." (75) There is something healing about being told that this process is going to take time, and it won't be perfect, and that is alright, because it is wrapped in grace.
Think about that - the process of learning to have some sort of handle over these emotions is wrapped in grace. Doesn't that bring you a little encouragement?
Yes I know this isn't new information, but the way TerKeurst lays these messages out is in such a gentle and friendly manner that I was able to really listen to it. And hopefully the more such messages reach my heart, the more it will change my heart and therefore my life.
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One of the great stories TerKeurst shares with her readers is about when she saw the marvelous statue of David by Michelangelo. I won't ruin the whole story for you (really you need to read this one!), but here is the prayer that stuck with me. TerKeurst said, "O God, chisel me. I don't want to be locked in my hard places forever. I want to be free. I want to be all that You have in mind for me to be." (355) (Tweet this prayer)
What a wonderful prayer. Admitting that I have to choose to follow the path God made for me, even if I have to ask Him to hold my hand through the whole process, maybe even pulling or carrying me through parts of it, is important. God wants to hear my heart, and He has already promised that He has a wonderful path for me, I just have to decide to follow it. And fight my to get on that path and stay there if needed - which let's be honest, some of those unglued moments of emotional breakdown really throw us off that blessed path.
One more extremely important point TerKeurst made that stuck with me is that "My job is to be obedient to God in the midst of my own set of issues." (801) (Tweet this!)
To me that is saying that it is fine, normal even, for my feelings of frustration when my days don't go as planned, but I have to focus on my job, not my feelings of frustration I have to let those feelings of frustrations go, by setting them before my Savior to deal with, and focus on the task in front of me (which tends to be training my little ones). The best part of this book is that TerKeurst repeatedly reminds that the words are easy to say, but putting them into practice takes time, that imperfect progress from above remember?
Another reason why, if you are struggling with coming unglued in any fashion, I think you should read this book is because TerKeurst gives straight forward steps to start changing your perspective in those moments when emotions start to take over. She includes great scripture verses for her reasoning behind her steps, and I can truly see how taking these baby steps will help me as I move through this imperfect progress.
Like I said earlier I could go on and on. But I'll stop soon, just know that I do think this is a great book for everyone to read.
Here are a couple more of my favorites quotes:
"...comfort zones don't have to be comfortable - they're just familiar." (1508)
"If we plant seeds of reassurance, blessing, and love, we reap a great harvest of security." (1867)
"The world's economy has limited supplies, but not God's economy." (2416)
Oh and if you are at all interested check out the Unglued site - it has great information for you.
Reading List Rates Unglued:

Have you read Unglued? Did you enjoy it? What was your favorite take-away? Please let me know, I'd love to hear your take.
** All marked page numbers are referenced from the Kindle Edition of Unglued.
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6 coment�rios
I have not read this book, but will look for it now, after reading your review. Sounds like one that I could surely use. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteIt was a good read, let me know what you think!
DeleteGreat review Marissa. I purchased this book but couldn't get into it! I have read Lisa's books before and was surprised I couldn't tune in to this one as I love her writing. Lisa is undoubtedly a gifted writer and perhaps there will be a time in the future when I will be able to pick up this book and enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteI can understand what you're saying, this is a book that would speak to a certain person I think...
DeleteThis truly sounds like a great book! Thank you for sharing your review and favorites! I think this one I must pick up! Thank you for linking up at Simply Helping Him! Blessings!
ReplyDeleteWe had a friend who had a brilliant mind, but was locked in a crippled body. We can only imagine what she endured. Her dad was a chiropractor and could only offer her mild relief at times from the pain. We lost track of her when she moved to another state, but she had many friends, one who designed a special saddle for her wheel chair that gave her a comfortable seat. I know my circumstances are minor compared to many others, but God gives us comfort through them all.
ReplyDeleteI love comments!!
Let me know what you thought of this one... don't forget to share your blog link so I can stop by!